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Sylvia Falls is about 5 minutes downstream of the very popular Empress Falls at Wentworth Falls within the stunning Valley Of The Waters, which is so aptly named! I would have to rate Sylvia Falls as one of the top 5 most stunning waterfalls in the Blue Mountains for just the sheer grandeur of it! I cannot think of another waterfall that is just so stunning and it is so worth the few extra steps to get to the base, funny thing is, the crowds go to the base of Empress Falls, have a swim, watch the canyoners descend, and then turn around and head back up, not knowing on what they have missed out on just minutes away.

Seriously, I cannot recommend a visit to these falls more highly, it is easy to get to for kids of all ages, just keep the steps in mind and the track is very good the entire way to them. I recommend you do not go past the fence as the rocks are VERY slippery, while I was there, I watched 2 people go past the fence and shortly after end up base over apex, the rocks might not look slippery, but trust me, they are, a broken bone is not worth that Instagram shot!

Not only do you get these amazing falls, but it is here that the Valley of the Waters opens up and you get views of the cliffs and valley below, at the right time of the day, just beautiful.
